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What Is Client Appreciation at Pacific Workers'?

At Pacific Workers we truly appreciate our clients: without them, our firm doesn't exist. We believe that helping the workers of our community helps our community as a whole. Giving back to our clients in as many ways as possible is at the center of our company philosophy. We also know that going through a Workers' Compensation case is no joke. It can drain your resources, take away your time with your family, and take you away from the things you love and things you love to do.

In 2016, we began our monthly Client Appreciation Raffles. Once a month, we send out an email to all of our current and former clients announcing that month's prize. We announce the winneron Facebook Live. We've given away tickets to the Giants, the A's, gift-cards for dinners to some of your favorite restaurants, Samsung Tablets, movie passes to take the family for a night out, and much more. Why do we do this? Well, to show we care and appreciate you, and most of all, to give you something that can take your mind off your Workers' Compensation Case, even just for an evening.

Here are pictures of some of our winners!

Winner with Target gift card

Winner with Safeway gift card

Winner with Amazon gift card

If you've been injured in a Workers' Compensation accident and want a free case evaluation, give us a call at 833-PAC-Work or simply Click Here to Book an Appointment with one of our intake specialists. Pacific Workers' Compensation: Your Fight Is Our Fight.

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