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Should I Use the Doctor That My Lawyer Refers Me to in My Workers' Comp Case?

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Ladies with Doctor Discussing Treatment - Workers Comp Case

Injured workers face many challenges while dealing with the Worker's Compensation system, and finding a good doctor is one of the biggest ones. If you have a good Workers' Compensation attorney, their job is to take care of those challenges for you. It can be very difficult to find a good doctor within the Workers' Compensation system. Many medical offices won't take on the extra paperwork necessary to get treatments approved and move your case along. Many other medical facilities are in the pocket of the insurance company, and won't put your health first.


Can't I just see my own doctor?

It's illegal to charge you for treating a workplace injury, so you can't just use your regular insurance and see your personal doctor. The restrictions don't stop there. If your case is accepted, you're typically bound by the Workers' Compensation insurance company's MPN (medical provider network). If your case is denied, you need a doctor who will treat you on a lien. It’s an uphill battle for someone who isn’t familiar with the Workers’ Compensation system.

Contact the best Workers' Compensation attorneys in Oakland

How can a Worker's Compensation lawyer help?

Lawyers aren’t doctors, so how can your Workers’ Comp. lawyer help? Workers' Compensation attorney's offices have relationships with medical facilities that take Workers' Comp. patients. They know which doctors write thorough reports that help your case. They know which medical facilities to avoid because of undue influence from the Workers' Compensation insurance company. They have doctors who trust their firm enough to treat you on a lien basis.

If you've done your due diligence in choosing a Workers' Compensation lawyer, and are happy with your representation, you should trust your attorney to send you to a good doctor. Treatment is the most important part of your Workers' Compensation case -- it affects both your case and your health. Choosing the best Workers' Compensation attorney is an important part of ensuring you get the best medical care for your workplace injury.

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