The holidays are a time for gratitude. Don’t get me wrong, I try and be grateful all year. I’m blessed with a wonderful family and a job where I get to make a real difference in people’s lives. But the holidays are special. They’re a time when I spend time with my loved ones, give back to people who have less, and of course – eat great food.
As a mom, I do everything I can to make this time of year special for my girls. I also work to teach them what really matters about Thanksgiving and Christmas. We participate in Operation Christmas Child, a program where you fill a shoebox with gifts for children who might not otherwise receive anything for the holidays. It’s a great thing to do with your little ones if you have the means. Kids can pick what goes in the box – they learn the importance of giving back, think about how fortunate they are, and have a lot of fun doing something special for another child. This year, I told my coworkers about it, and some of them put together boxes of their own. It’s great to work with people who also care about giving back.
I’m going to close with a note from the big boss, our founder and CEO Eric Farber, who has a bit to say about gratitude, and how grateful we are for all of you. See you all next month!
I just wanted to personally thank you for your support of Pacific Workers’ The Lawyers for Injured Workers and wish you a wonderful and safe Thanksgiving. Each year at this time I find myself reflecting on the year behind us and the year ahead. This year has brought great triumph for our company and some great challenges. Regardless of triumph or challenge, I remain ever grateful for our clients and our community. We have seen some terrible tragedy over the past few weeks with the fire and the air quality condition in the Bay Area. This year we have donated more that ever to the Bay Area Firefighters and first responders and will continue to do so because of their dedication to our safety and our community.
Please stay happy and healthy and make sure to care for your friends and family and community and most importantly - Give Thanks and Live in Gratitude.
Blessings for all of you this Holiday season,
Eric Farber, Founder and CEO, Pacific Workers.