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Kiki's Corner: 5 Secrets for Stress Relief

Kiki of Kiki's Corner

Kiki of Kiki's Corner

As a busy mom of three who spends her workdays fighting insurance companies and taking care of workers' compensation clients, I have my fair share of stress. Okay, more than my fair share of stress. I know my clients, who are dealing with injuries, financial worries, and medical treatment deal with a lot of stress, too.

Life is way too short to let stress bring you down, and stress can make it even shorter. According to the American Psychiatric Association, stress can cause headaches, stomach aches, and increase your risk for dangerous health issues like heart attacks or arrhythmia. Fortunately, there are things we can all do to feel less stressed. Obviously, it’s important to deal with the underlying causes of your stress, but in the meantime, don’t just suffer – try these five things to improve your stress level! 

  1. Spend time with your family and loved ones.

Quality time with the people you love is some of the best stress relief. If I’m stressed out, just getting a hug from one of my girls or hearing about her day helps me remember why it’s all worth it.

  1. Get outside and move.

Fresh air is good medicine. Even just a short walk can help you put things in perspective and realize that things aren’t all that bad. If walking is out of the question because of your injury, even just sitting outside for a while and looking at the sky can help.

  1. Cook (and eat!) some good food.

Weekday dinners can be a source of stress, but sometimes, spending some time making something delicious is what it takes to turn a week around. I love having my daughters help and getting them involved with making a meal we can enjoy together.

  1. Volunteer

Sometimes, doing things for others is the best thing you can do for yourself. I often volunteer with my church, which does food drives, clothing drives, and serves meals to people who are homeless or struggling. It’s so rewarding to give back.

  1. Make time for yourself.

I don’t get a lot of time just to myself, but I make those moments count. Doing kind things for myself, such as getting a manicure, watching a movie, or scheduling a date night with my significant other, gives me the strength to do all the things I do as a working mother. Find some time, even if it’s only an hour or only twenty minutes, and spend it exactly the way that you want.

I hope these tips help you deal with your stress the way they help me deal with mine.

Until next time,


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