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How to Prepare for Your Workers' Compensation Deposition

Image text: "How to Prepare for Your Deposition". Image content: professionally dressed group at a conference table.

If you’re nervous for your deposition in your Workers’ Compensation case, you’re not alone. Being deposed can be one of the most intimidating parts of the Workers’ Compensation process. It puts you face-to-face with the insurance company’s defense attorney and an official court stenographer. However, as long as you’re properly prepared, there’s no reason to be afraid. Here’s what you need to know before your Workers’ Compensation deposition.

  1. The deposition is your chance to tell your story.

Although the circumstances of the deposition can feel scary, its primary aim is to make your story part of the official record. It’s an opportunity to make sure the defense knows exactly what happened to you and how your Workers’ Compensation injury has been affecting your life.

Image text: Learn more in our free book. Image content: image of book cover, an attorney with many different workers behind him.

  1. Consistency is key.

It’s important for the information you present in your deposition to match up with previous statements you’ve given about your injury. Don’t get flustered. Don’t downplay (or exaggerate). Simply tell your story without changing important details.

  1. Don’t worry about language barriers.

If English is not your primary language, the defense is required to provide a certified legal interpreter for your deposition. You have the right to be deposed in your native tongue.

  1. Take care of your emotional and physical health.

Telling the story of your injury is important for your case and can also be very cathartic. However, you’ll be talking about something that’s been very difficult for you. Make sure you have support from your loved ones. A deposition can last for several hours, and depending on your injury, sitting in an office chair for that long may be difficult. If you use an orthopedic cushion or another ergonomic aid, bring it with you. Additionally, don’t be afraid to get up and move around if you need to. We’ve even had clients lay on the floor for parts of their depositions – your health is the most important thing.

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  1. A good Workers’ Compensation attorney will help you prepare.

This might be your first deposition, but a good Workers’ Compensation law firm might have a dozen depositions per day. Your attorney should spend an hour prior to your deposition preparing you for the questions the defense attorney might ask and advising you about how to answer them. Your Workers’ Compensation lawyer will also help put you at ease With the right help on your side, the insurance company’s defense attorney won’t be able to lead you into any traps.

If you’ve been going through the Workers’ Compensation process unrepresented, or if you don’t have the right firm helping you through this crucial juncture in your case, please give us a call or just schedule a free consultation. Pacific Workers’ Compensation are the lawyers for injured workers – we’ll make your deposition as painless and straightforward as we can.

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