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Pacific Workers' Joins the No Layoff Pledge


The No Layoff Pledge: Pacific Workers' Dedication to Our Team

With the unprecedented, pandemic-sparked economic shock currently challenging companies across the globe, businesses everywhere are now forced to make—or at least consider—very drastic measures.

In many cases, unfortunately, this means furloughing or laying off employees.

Like nearly every company, the team at Pacific Workers' has felt the financial impact of COVID-19 and will likely feel the impact far into the future.

We are fortunate that we still do have wonderful clients to fight for and community organizations such as the Oakland 55 firefighters that support us with referrals from their friends and family.

Although many in the legal community have not been hit as hard as other sectors, we have seen law firms have to immediately lay off people and even close their doors.

We are incredibly grateful for the support approved by the federal government Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), and would like to thank our partners at Heritage Bank for their assistance.

At Pacific Workers', we believe that our people are what make us a successful organization. We owe our growth and success over the last decade to our Intake Team, Attorneys, Case Managers and Assistant Case Managers and everyone in operations. Without their hard work and dedication to our mission we would not be able to maintain our stability through this time.

We have been named to the Law Firm 500, Inc. Magazine's Best Places to Work and the Bay Area Fast 100, we intend to maintain the work that earned us these accolades for many years to come. Our team has earned us over 250 Five Star reviews and growing every day.

Today, The Pacific Workers' leadership team is officially making a no-layoff pledge that extends through July 1, 2020. We stick by our employees, their families, and the communities in which they live and work—in the good times and the tough times.

This decision is not to be taken lightly. All of us working together to support each other, our clients and partners allow us to make this commitment.

Why July 1, 2020? In normal circumstances, a pledge like this would certainly not be needed. Our hope is that, come July, some sense of normalcy will have returned, rendering such a pledge unnecessary.

A no-layoff pledge is certainly not an original idea; in fact, we’ve lifted the idea from the headlines after seeing technology organizations like Salesforce and LinkedIn make similar announcements. We do feel, however, that this is an opportunity for us to give our employees peace of mind and start a movement within the Northern California community.

As a final call to action, we ask that other leaders of companies join us in this pledge. We join others in the workers' compensation community, such as Ortega Counseling in their pledge as well and encourage others to do the same.

Eric Farber

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