How Does Workers’ Comp Impact Employers?
The short answer is that in most cases it doesn’t. When people talk about workers' comp, many assume that it's about employees suing their employers. There have been many situations where some of our clients told us that they really like their workplace and don't want to get them involved in their workers' compensation claim.
We get it… it's hard to find a good employer, especially someone who cares about you.
Fortunately, a workers' compensation claim has almost nothing to do with your employer. Since the defense, decisions, and treatment are almost always controlled by the insurance company and its adjusters, not by your employer.
However, remember that all California employers are required by law to get workers' compensation benefits to their employees who suffered a work-related injury or illness. They only get involved when they are notified about the injury or illness that the worker has. Although it is worth noting that employees must report their injury within 30 days; if not, they could lose their right to receive workers' compensation benefits.
Don't Leave Your Workers' Comp Case to Adjusters
The insurance company then kicks in and gives the cases to the adjusters, who make their bonuses by saving the insurance company money – which means that they can deny you benefits. When this happens; lawyers then come to the rescue.
Even though a workers' compensation case might include the employer's name on the documents, they are barely involved in the case. The records include the name of the insurance company as the defendant.
There can be extreme cases where a worker could sue an employer, like if the injury was caused by a willful physical assault by the employer or if the company did not carry workers' comp insurance when the accident occurred. But in this case, you have nothing to worry about.
If you have any questions or need assistance, Pacific Workers', The Lawyers for Injured Workers, is here for you.
About the author
Bilal Kassem President and Co-founder
Bilal Kassem, is the co-founder of Pacific Workers. Bilal has been nominated for Applicant Attorney of the Year. His passion for helping injured workers brings his leadership with his team to lead with empathy and world-class customer service. He fosters a supportive atmosphere, which is why each one of his team member feels empowered to excel. With a 98% success rate at Pacific Workers, Bilal is on a mission to continue to educate and serve any injured worker in CA.