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3 Most Important steps to return to work after an injury!

3 Most Important steps to return to work after an injury!

Often, a work-related injury or illness can force you to take some time off from work to help you recover. During this time, you must seek medical assistance and treatment to help you get back on your feet as quickly as you could. Additionally, you should be given workers' compensation during this time, which means you won't have to worry about the amount of wages you lose because of not showing up for work.

After spending time to recover, you'll need to enter the next phase, which is returning to work. On the surface, going back to work may be a simple thing; however, there are many things you should take into account, such as your current state and the ability to handle your job. Usually, you won't have to go through this phase alone since your doctor and employer can help you with this.

Ideally, all parties involved must agree to when and how you'll return to work. This process can often be challenging to handle; that's why it's important to work with workers comp attorneys in Oakland for a smooth and worry-free process.

What Should I Know About Returning to Work After a Work-Related Injury?

According to California's workers' compensation laws, if you've sustained work-related injury or illness, you are allowed to take time off to get proper treatment and have time to recover. After doing this and you're able, you can return to work.

However, before going back to work, you need to consult with various people to figure out when you're able to do so. The following are the people you need to consult with:

  • Your doctor;
  • Your employer, manager, or supervisor;
  • Your claims administrator;
  • Your workers' comp attorney;

With their help, you'll get to plan out how and when you'll get to return to work. During this process, you'll consider your physical readiness, what level you can operate, if you need to modify your hours, or if they need to assign you to a different job.

Is It Possible to Return to Work During Recovery?

In some cases, a person may feel that they are ready to return to the workplace even while recovering. Although it's possible to get back to work while you recover, this will still depend on your injury or illness severity and your doctor's approval.

If your doctor allows you to return to work while you recover, your doctor may need to provide work restrictions to ensure your well-being. These limitations are often discussed with you, your employer, doctor, and attorney.

What Are Some Examples of Work Modifications?

In some cases, after a work-related injury or illness, you may need to come back to work with a modified job description. This is done to protect your well-being and to keep you safe, so the accident doesn't happen to you again.

Here are some working modifications that you can consider:

  • Restrictions on how much load you can lift and handle;
  • Limitations on the number of hours you work;
  • The employer must provide a neck brace or rest to help neck and head injuries;

These are only a few of the modifications that could come up during the discussion. However, your doctor and attorney should still discuss whether you're deemed fit to return to work.

The Bottom Line: You Should Know the Benefits of Workers' Compensation and How to Get Back to Work

Work-related injuries and illnesses aren't solely your responsibility; if anything, your employer is responsible for keeping you safe and protected while working in their establishment. Should you sustain any injuries or get sick at work, you must bring up workers' compensation to your employer, speak to a workers' comp attorney in Oakland, and safely recover from the accident.

Are You Looking for a Workers' Comp Attorney in Oakland?

Dealing with legal work can be daunting, but as a worker, it's important that you understand your right and how exactly workers' compensation can help you. For this reason, it's best to work with Pacific Workers — the lawyers for injured workers.

We are committed to helping the hardworking people of Northern California receive the help they deserve. Book an appointment with us.
Call 800 606 6999  for a free consultation!

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