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3 Mistakes That Can Hurt Your Workers' Compensation

3 Mistakes That Can Hurt Your Workers' Compensation

This article was updated on 06/09/2024

Were you injured during your work? If so, you may be eligible to file a workers' compensation claim to compensate for the loss of finances due to medical costs. And even loss of wages. Unfortunately, this is a process that many workers are afraid to face because they have never done it before. To those who have never experienced filing a claim, the process looks too complicated to be worth the time. Even if one were to try to file the workers' compensation, mistakes can also occur along the way, resulting in less money received or even outright denial of the claim.

We will focus on some workers' compensation mistakes that could result in less-than-optimal results. Taking care of these common blunders and avoiding them will ensure that your claim is in the best possible position.

1. Not getting treated

If you do not seek medical help after the injury you incurred during work or fail to follow the doctor's advice to recover, your chances of success with your claim will dwindle. Remember—the benefits in the claim help workers pay their medical bills and lost income. If you do not get help for your injuries, the officials might believe that you are not injured seriously, let alone injured.

2. Not reporting the injury

workers' compensation mistakes

If you do not report your injury, your employers will not know if you are affected from work. Besides, failing to report it will make the situation sound trivial, hurting your chances of recovering the compensation you deserve. You will also increase the denial of the claim if you do not report it.

Under the law, you must tell your employer of the incident and file a claim within ten and sixty days, respectively. Going past this time limit, you will lose your right to claim. However, under specific circumstances and good reason, you may be able to file the claim later, but we highly recommend doing it immediately.

3. Not keeping accurate records

During your treatment and other activities after the injury, document what happened. For example, you should note down what treatments you had to go through to recover, how much the medical bill costs, how much time you missed from work, and other relevant information. These records will help you file the claim much more accurately, allowing you to maximize the compensation that you will receive.

To summarize in workers' compensation mistakes

Try your best to avoid any common workers' compensation mistakes people make above, and you will increase your chances of success with your workers' compensation claim. There is one more mistake that many people make that can seriously hurt their ability to get fair compensation. And that is failing to seek help! The process can be a complicated one. Having a professional attorney by your side to assist will give you the best chances. For example, crafting the best claim increases your chances. As a result, you can claim the compensation that you deserve.

Need help filing for your workers' compensation? We are Pacific Workers, The Lawyers for the Injured, and we provide professional help to those seeking compensation for work-related injuries. Contact us today at 888-740-6434 for your free consultation and work with our workers comp lawyers in CA!

About the author

Bilal Kassem President and Co-founder

Introducing Bilal Kassem, the visionary leader of Pacific Workers. His unwavering commitment to excellence, empowering others at the core of our organization. With a flair for creativity, Bilal infuses fresh ideas into every initiative we take.

Drawing inspiration from captivating stories like “Goosebumps”, he guides our team with determination. Beyond his professional endeavors, Bilal embraces the great outdoors. As a result, relishing adventures such as backpacking and exploring uncharted territories. Sushi is his preferred treat, nourishing both his body and spirit.

In his free time, he enjoys hitting the gym and indulging in blockbuster films. Also, he finds motivation in the legacies of historical figures like George Patton. By leading with empathy, Bilal fosters a supportive atmosphere. This is why every team member feels empowered to excel.

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