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Defensa Jurídica Para Lesionados de Empleados De Restaurantes

Abogados De Compensación De Trabajadores En Oakland

Cuando los clientes entran en un restaurante para una comida, comprensiblemente se centran en su platillo y no en la gente que ayuda a preparar y servirla. Lo que la mayoría de la gente no sabe es que los empleados de restaurantes se enfrentan a múltiples peligros en una base regular. Sólo porque los riesgos son generalmente "entre bastidores" o en la cocina no significa que no existen.

Los peligros que un empleado de un restaurante podría encontrarse en una base diaria incluyen:

  • Estufas y hornos calientes
  • Suelos y escalones húmedos
  • Cajas grandes y pesadas
  • Cuchillos afilados y bordes cortantes
  • Materias o productos alimenticios podrido
  • Equipamiento de cocina defectuoso

Consecuencias de peligros comunes de restaurantes pueden incluir:

  • Quemaduras graves
  • Las lesiones de la espalda
  • Las laceraciones
  • Enfermedad o infección
  • Lesiones cerebrales traumáticas (TBI)
  • Despido indebido (incapacidad para el trabajo)

Con tantos objetos peligrosos o tareas alrededor de los empleados de restaurantes, no debería ser una sorpresa para los empresarios, gerentes y restauranteros que a veces la gente se lastime en el trabajo. Y, sin embargo, los cocineros, camareros, azafatas, chefs, cocineros de línea, anfitriones lesionados y más son sistemáticamente desmentidos por sus empleadores cuando se hacen daño y piden la compensación que merecen. 

Si labora en un restaurante, resultó herido mientras realizaba sus tareas y ahora se le niegan los beneficios necesarios para ser compensado debe dejar que nuestros abogados de compensación de trabajadores de Oakland en Pacific Workers’ Compensation Law Center lo sepan enseguida durante una revisión gratuita del caso.

Cómo Podemos Construir Su Caso Y Validar Su Solicitud

Si un empleador o a su proveedor de seguros no acepta su reclamación de compensación de los trabajadores, ellos probablemente no están esperando que usted haga mucho por ello. Al contratar nuestros servicios puede volver a ellos con un caso plenamente desarrollado que respalde su afirmación y muestre por qué merece ser compensado y cuánto debe obtener. No sólo nos confiamos en nuestros argumentos persuasivos para hacer nuestro caso, también sabemos dónde encontrar la evidencia correcta que sea ventajosa para su reclamación.

Queremos buscar los siguientes materiales conforme investiguemos su caso:

  • Requisitos de formación en seguridad de la empresa
  • Registros de seguridad e historial de accidentes pasado
  • Los testimonios de otros
  • Circuito cerrado de televisión si está disponible

Usted Ha Trabajado Duro, Ahora Descanse Tranquilo - Llámenos al (888) 740-6434

En este bufete de abogados creemos verdaderamente en la importancia de permitir a nuestros clientes la oportunidad de concentrarse en la recuperación después de haber resultado heridos y haber sido incapaces de seguir trabajando. Al contratar nuestros servicios no sólo está contratando a un abogado de compensación de trabajadores de Oakland, sino a todo un equipo dedicado y asignado a su caso. Con los encargados del caso y asistentes de equipo personal, estamos listos para manejar su caso con tanta eficiencia como sea posible.

¿Quiere saber más? Tenemos todas las respuestas. Póngase en contacto con nosotros hoy mismo.


    They didn't give up on me.

    “Pacific Workers went to bat for me. Was I an easy person to get along with, no but they didn’t give up on me.”

    David W.
    Google Review
    Thank you for being so kind!

    “I started my fight against my company's workers comp and after talking to Almarie for the first time I already felt a lot of weight off my shoulders.”

    Jazzie D. Daly City, CA
    I'm forever grateful & thankful to all!

    “I especially want to thank Mr. Jason Insdorf, who worked in attaining a settlement I never expected.”

    L.S. Union City, CA
    They took care of me!

    “Bilal worked on my case and he was very professional, friendly, and kind to me. I was so nervous about my deposition and he made me feel very comfortable and less stressed about the whole situation.”

    Gabi O. Sacramento, CA
    The most down to earth team I have ever met!

    “They have strong communication and I was respected throughout the whole process. They had never given up on me!”

    Nekealla C. Tracy, CA
    I got a compensation package that I was very happy with!

    “My attorney provided me with a very smooth experience, patiently answered all my questions, and worked hard to represent my best interests.”

    Dro L. Redwood City, CA
    I would highly recommend PWC!

    “PWC's staff is knowledgeable and informative when it comes to answering your questions and ensuring you're well informed during the process.”

    Patrick P.

Workers' Comp FAQ

  • Do independent contractors get workers’ compensation in California?

    No, most independent contractors are not covered by workers’ compensation insurance that is provided by their employer. The law does not require most employers to offer this sort of employment benefit to independent contractors. To get workers’ comp as an independent contractor, you will usually have to purchase a policy on your own.

  • Am I Eligible for Workers’ Compensation?

    In California, all employees are eligible for workers’ compensation with very few exceptions. If you are classified as an “employee” (rather than an “independent contractor”), you are eligible to receive benefits. This is true regardless of how many employees your employer has, how many hours you work, how much you make, whether you work part-time or full-time, or whether you are a seasonal worker. Additionally, undocumented workers are also eligible for workers’ compensation granted they meet all other eligibility requirements. In contrast, independent contractors and certain other workers, including some volunteers, household workers who are employed by a family member, and others, are not able to file for workers’ compensation benefits.

  • My Employer Said That I’m an Independent Contractor, Not a Regular Employee, so I Can’t Get Benefits. Is This True?

    You’re not necessarily an independent contractor by law if the nature of your job doesn’t fit the description, an attorney may help analyze your situation and guide you in this matter. There are high chances of contractors being eligible for workers’ compensation benefits, so it’s always worth trying.

  • Can't I Just File for Workers' Compensation on My Own?

    Filing for workers' compensation on your own increases the chances that your claim will be denied. One small misstep can prevent you from obtaining the compensation you need for your injuries. In addition, the process is usually complex and tedious, especially for someone with no workers' compensation law experience. It is extremely advantageous that you seek reliable and experienced legal guidance for your claim.

  • What is the California 90-day rule for workers’ compensation?

    After you inform your employer about your workplace accident, they need to tell the insurance company as soon as possible, usually within the same workday. Then, the claim administrator has 90 days to accept or deny your claim, with medical benefits being provided throughout that time. If there is no response within 90 days, then your claim ends in your favor by default.

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