¿Es Usted Un Trabajador De La Salud Que Resultó Lesionado?
Póngase En Contacto Con Un Abogado De Compensación De Trabajadores De Oakland Hoy Mismo
Estadísticamente hablando, los hospitales son uno de los lugares más peligrosos para trabajar. Según la Administración de Salud y Seguridad Ocupacional (OSHA, por sus siglas en inglés), la tasa de lesiones y enfermedades para los profesionales de la salud es el doble que en la industria privada en conjunto.
Doctores, enfermeras, paramédicos, médicos y otros empleados están expuestos a diversas enfermedades y peligros en el lugar de trabajo, poniéndolos en riesgo de contraer una enfermedad debilitante o de sufrir una lesión en el curso de su ocupación. Si usted es un profesional de la medicina que ha sufrido un accidente laboral, puede tener derecho a ser compensado, con la ayuda de un abogado de compensación de trabajadores de Oakland de Centro Legal de Pacific Workers.
Estamos comprometidos a estar de su lado y luchar para maximizar sus posibilidades de obtener los beneficios que se merece. Entendemos su lucha y estamos dispuestos a hacer todo lo posible para ayudarle a ponerse sobre sus pies durante esta difícil experiencia. ¡Lo mejor de todo es que ¡no nos paga un centavo a menos que tengamos éxito en su nombre!
Empiece por solicitar una consulta gratis hoy mismo o llamando nuestra oficina al (888) 740-6434
Peligros Comunes Para Los Trabajadores De La Salud
Los empleados del sector salud pueden sufrir una variedad de lesiones relacionadas con el trabajo y enfermedades profesionales, incluyendo:
- Las lesiones de espalda por trasladar pacientes
- Los agentes patógenos de transmisión sanguínea
- Contacto con objetos afilados
- Reacciones violentas de enfermos mentales
- Resbalones y caídas accidentes
Es muy probable que su compañía de seguros pueda tratar de darle la mínima cantidad de compensación si intenta negociar con ellos sin la ayuda de un abogado experto. Si ha sufrido cualquiera de las lesiones anteriores, es crucial que consulte con nuestro bufete tan pronto como sea posible para determinar el curso de acción más adecuado a seguir. Podemos analizar su situación y contestar cualquier pregunta que pueda tener.
Obtenga Un Galardonado Equipo Legal A Su Lado
Sus posibilidades de ser compensado con lo que se merece sólo son tan buenas como el equipo jurídico que elija para representar sus intereses. En Centro Legal de Pacific Workers, nuestros abogados altamente capacitados de compensación a trabajadores de Oakland han recibido innumerables indemnizaciones por nuestra defensa contundente, incluyendo la designación de Super Abogados® y el reconocimiento de Martindale-Hubbell®. Con más de 85 años de experiencia exitosa podemos manejar la parte pesada legal para usted, proporcionandóle la tranquilidad que necesita.
Póngase en contacto con nuestra oficina hoy para informarnos de su situación. Un abogado se pondrá inmediatamente en contacto.

“Pacific Workers went to bat for me. Was I an easy person to get along with, no but they didn’t give up on me.”
David W. -
“I started my fight against my company's workers comp and after talking to Almarie for the first time I already felt a lot of weight off my shoulders.”
Jazzie D. Daly City, CA -
“I especially want to thank Mr. Jason Insdorf, who worked in attaining a settlement I never expected.”
L.S. Union City, CA -
“Bilal worked on my case and he was very professional, friendly, and kind to me. I was so nervous about my deposition and he made me feel very comfortable and less stressed about the whole situation.”
Gabi O. Sacramento, CA -
“They have strong communication and I was respected throughout the whole process. They had never given up on me!”
Nekealla C. Tracy, CA -
“My attorney provided me with a very smooth experience, patiently answered all my questions, and worked hard to represent my best interests.”
Dro L. Redwood City, CA -
“PWC's staff is knowledgeable and informative when it comes to answering your questions and ensuring you're well informed during the process.”
Patrick P.
Proudly Serving Northern California

Workers' Comp FAQ
Am I Eligible for Workers’ Compensation?
In California, all employees are eligible for workers’ compensation with very few exceptions. If you are classified as an “employee” (rather than an “independent contractor”), you are eligible to receive benefits. This is true regardless of how many employees your employer has, how many hours you work, how much you make, whether you work part-time or full-time, or whether you are a seasonal worker. Additionally, undocumented workers are also eligible for workers’ compensation granted they meet all other eligibility requirements. In contrast, independent contractors and certain other workers, including some volunteers, household workers who are employed by a family member, and others, are not able to file for workers’ compensation benefits.
Are Independent Contractors Eligible for Workers’ Compensation Benefits?
Independent contractors are generally not eligible for workers' compensation benefits because they are not considered employees under California law. However, some employers may misclassify employees as independent contractors. If you believe you are misclassified, consult with a legal professional to assess your situation.
Can't I Just File for Workers' Compensation on My Own?
Filing for workers' compensation on your own increases the chances that your claim will be denied. One small misstep can prevent you from obtaining the compensation you need for your injuries. In addition, the process is usually complex and tedious, especially for someone with no workers' compensation law experience. It is extremely advantageous that you seek reliable and experienced legal guidance for your claim.
Are There Other Benefits I Can Receive If I’m Unable to Work During the Off-Season Because of an Injury?
If you're unable to work during the off-season because of a work-related injury, you may be eligible for additional benefits, such as those provided by the Employment Development Department (EDD). It's important to explore all available resources to support yourself during your recovery.
What Can I Expect from the Workers' Compensation Process?
As soon as you reach out to us for help, we will assign you a full-time case manager and attorney. An application will be filed with the Workers' Compensation Appeals Board (WCAB) on your behalf. We will get started on your case immediately to help you receive the medical care you need. If we are unable to receive a fair settlement from the insurance company, we are ready and willing to take your case to trial. After a few months, you will most likely give a deposition. One of our highly experienced attorneys will prepare you and stand at your side the entire time. You don't even have to attend court hearings! One of our trained hearing officers or attorneys can attend on your behalf.