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5 Tips to Successfully Talk to Your Workers' Comp Insurance Adjuster

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If you've been injured on the job and are in the midst of a Workers' Comp case, some things about the process are better to know in the early stages. One of them is the importance of communication with your insurance adjuster.

But before we dig into the specifics of talking to an insurance adjuster, it's essential to understand their role in the process. Let’s dive into it!


  • What is an insurance adjuster in Workers’ Comp?
  • Why should you communicate with your insurance adjuster?
  • How do you effectively communicate with your insurance adjuster?

What is an insurance adjuster in Workers’ Comp?

An insurance adjuster is a representative of the insurance company and is responsible for evaluating and settling insurance claims. In a Workers' Comp case, the adjuster will:

  • Investigate the circumstances of your injury.
  • Determine the extent of your injuries and the resulting disability.
  • Decide how much the insurance company should pay out in benefits.

Why should you communicate with your insurance adjuster?

While it may seem counterintuitive, communication with your adjuster is key, even if you have an attorney with you. The reason is that adjusters control your benefits, medical treatment, and, ultimately, your settlement. Therefore, if you don't communicate properly with them, you may not get the full extent of benefits and treatment that you're entitled to.

Furthermore, it is crucial to keep in mind that the adjuster is not on your side. In other words, their job is to represent the insurance company's interests, not yours. Hence, you must approach the conversation with caution and be mindful of the information you share.

How do you effectively communicate with your insurance adjuster?

1. Be honest but cautious:

It's vital to come clean with your adjuster about your injuries and how they affect your ability to work. However, be mindful of the information you share. Don't volunteer any unnecessary details or information that could be used against you.

2. Keep a record of your communication:

Surely, it is always a good idea to record all communications with your adjuster, including phone calls, emails, and in-person meetings. In any case, this can be useful if there are any discrepancies or misunderstandings down the line.

3. Get everything in writing:

The adjusters might make any promises or offers, so be sure to get those in writing. Of course, this includes any agreements about your benefits or treatment.

4. Don't sign anything without consulting an attorney:

If the adjuster asks you to sign any documents, please consult with your attorney before doing so. They are there to help you understand the implications of what you're signing and ensure protection for your rights.

5. Keep your attorney informed:

When you have an attorney for your Workers' Comp case, it's imperative to keep them informed of your communication with the adjuster. This way, they can provide guidance and support as you navigate this burdensome process.


In summary, communicating with your insurance adjuster is crucial in a Workers' Comp case. However, be cautious when you engage in the conversation and be mindful of the information you share.

Whether you have an attorney or not, you must always keep track of all communication, get everything in writing, and consult with an attorney before signing any documents.

And remember, the adjuster is not on your side and is there to represent the insurance company. Having the company of a lawyer can make all the difference and help you succeed in pursuing your benefits.

Need help with your Insurance Adjuster? Contact Pacific Workers’, The Lawyers for Injured Workers for a free, confidential case evaluation. Call us at 800-606-6999 or make an appointment here.

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