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6 Signs You Need a Workers’ Comp Lawyer

worker with an injury receiving treatment

After a work injury, it’s vital to pursue a workers’ compensation claim so that you can receive benefits for your damages. However, you should know that there can be several obstacles in the way because of insurance companies that want to protect their profits.

In many situations, it helps to have a lawyer on your side before moving through the process. You should know what signs to look for that would indicate your need for legal counsel.

Look for these six signs to determine if you need legal counsel:

  • Your employer is interfering in your claim
  • Your insurance provider denied your claim
  • Your claim won’t be enough to cover all losses
  • Your injuries occurred because of maliciousness
  • Your claim is mislabeled
  • Your claim is ending too soon

Need to speak with an Oakland workers’ comp lawyer? Call us at XXX-XXX-XXXX today!

Your Employer Is Interfering In Your Claim

While you typically go through your employer’s insurance provider to pursue workers’ compensation, some employers interfere when they shouldn’t. Employers can deny claims if there’s a legal reason. However, you should have a lawyer if your employer is attempting to deny your legitimate claim because they want to avoid spending more money.

Your Insurance Provider Denied Your Claim

Insurance companies are large corporations with a mission to save money. Workers’ compensation claims threaten profits, so insurance adjusters may attempt to deny claims. It’s vital to speak with a lawyer who can help safeguard your rights to workers’ compensation benefits.

Your Claim Won’t Be Enough to Cover All Losses

If your claim is only set to cover a portion of your losses, speak with a lawyer. You might be eligible to receive compensation that matches all of your losses, including your medical expenses, lost income, travel, and more. Speaking with a lawyer can help you understand if you can pursue additional benefits.

Your Injuries Occurred Because of Maliciousness

If someone else’s malicious actions led to your work injury, you might have additional legal options. When you hire a lawyer, you can get a clear understanding of the most favorable way to pursue compensation. You might need additional avenues to hold the person responsible for your injuries accountable.

Your Claim Is Mislabeled

Workers’ comp claims vary because of the injury severity, how long it should last, and more. If your claim is mislabeled, you might only be eligible to receive partial benefits for a short time period. That wouldn’t be enough if you have a severe injury, and you need workers’ compensation benefits lasting a much longer duration.

Your Claim Is Ending Too Soon

If your workers’ compensation claim is set to end too soon, you can speak with an attorney who can explain your rights. The right attorney can work with you to provide evidence and seek the full length of benefits that you deserve following a workplace injury.

If you need to hire a workers’ compensation attorney, it’s vital to choose the right legal counsel for your situation. At Pacific Workers', The Lawyers for Injured Workers, we go above and beyond to pursue the full benefits you deserve. If you deal with insurance companies trying to take advantage of your vulnerable state, know that you can get legal counsel that looks out for you and your needs.

Our workers’ compensation lawyers will stand in your corner. We care about providing the highest level of excellence during difficult situations, and we will always work to obtain the maximum benefits available to you. Let us give you a voice and safeguard you from large insurance companies during your time of need.

For a free consultation to discuss your options, call our firm today at (888) 740-6434.

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